
Follow your Dreams or else....

I am prepared to go anywhere provided it be forward. 

~David Livingstone

A few months ago while living in my dingy Edmonton apartment I had the pleasure of viewing Dr. John Izzo's DVD Series "The Five Secrets you must Discover Before you Die." 

The series is based on interviews with individuals aged 60-105 and asks the question, "what would you do differently if you were young again?"

And the Five Secrets...

  • Take More Risks
  • Be More Generous
  • Be more Loving
  • Be more Reflective
Oops...Is that only four? Guess you'll have to read or watch the series and Dr. John Izzo's candid approach to living a fun, awesome, rich I ain't got-no-regrets life. He is the main reason I got off my butt and 
moved back to Vancouver. 

Thanks Dr. Izzo! Would otherwise still be miserable in my crappy apartment in arctic cold Edmonton..

And don't miss Jonathan Mead's fabulous blog Illuminated Mind. 

He has captured the essence of living life to its fullest without being an annoying "think positive cheerleader".  (you can follow him on twitter@jonathanmead)

(Blogger won't allow me to link his site so simply google "Illuminated Mind".)

Since returning to Vancouver at the end of December, I'd say my appreciation for the city has appreciated exponentially! 

In upcoming blogs, I'll be featuring local businesses, artists, writers... 

Smart, fun, daring, bold people who capture the essence of Vancouver and its' dynamic, vibrant spirit. 

And a big meow to that.

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